
FI intens – with Göran Mörkeberg – 28 – 29 september

Why I again want to give an advanced training focusing on FI.

Sometime around 1987, I did something that in some ways resembled what we call Functional Integration.

I had then participated in a number of workshops with Gaby Yaron (one of the people who participated in Moshe F’s first training in Israel) and worked as a physiotherapist. One of my clients had a very troublesome herniated disc for more than a year and I had tried my entire physiotherapy toolset to no avail.

On one visit, I asked him to lie down as comfortably as possible and started doing something that I thought was similar to what I had seen Gaby do at the workshops I attended. To both my and the client’s surprise, he gets up after approx. 30 m with a strange expression on his face and says with surprise: – What have you done? I’m not in pain!

Unfortunately, I didn’t know what I was doing, the pain came back and my subsequent attempts to help him were not as successful. It ended with an operation for him.

This exsperience conviced me that I needed to learn more about the fantastic method. I finished the Feldenkrais education in 1992. Later I also became an assistant trainer (2006) taught at trainings in Sweden, UK and Spain. I have since 1992 given more than 26,000 FI´s and acquired a certain ability, and understanding of what FI is and how to help people feel better.

For many years, I have held a large number of workshops for Feldenkrais colleagues, but since Covid-19 started, there have been none. And after requests from my colleagues, I have decided to share my experiences again.

2 intens days, 10 – 11 hours of teaching, with a focus on Functionall integration.

There will be lot of time for practice hands on technique, self-use mixed with demonstrations and disscussions.



Obs! For people outside of Sweden sign on via e-mejl (info@feldengood.se) in most cases you don´t need to pay VAT. And you will get an invoice.

Your price will be: Early bird: 2340 SEK (before august 10) and after that 3000 SEK.

Advanced training with Göran Mörkeberg (assistant trainer) focusing on Functional integration

When: Saturday 28/9: 10:00 – 17:30, Sunday 29/9: 9.00 – 15:00.

Location: Träffpunkten, Albinsrogatan 3K, 214 67 Malmö, Sweden. (in the basement on the gable) Parking is available for 10 SEK/hour. If you are traveling with public transportations it takes approximately 25 – 30 minutes from Malmö C, lsightly shorter from Tringeln station.

Investment: Early bird when registering before August 10: 2320 SEK. + (VAT 25% = 2900) After that 3000 + (VAT 25% = 3750).

Number of participants: 6 – 8.

Teaching language: English, if there are people that don´t speak Swedish that sign on. Otherwise, Swedish.

More: There is a fully equipped kitchen in the room if you want to bring food. There is also a nice restaurant nearby. Price: approx. 130 SEK. Both gluten-free and vegetarian options can be offered if desired. 

(For those who wish, will offer FI:s the Friday before, Sunday after 15:30 and Monday at the price of 800 SEK (normal price 1000 SEK


Full price, paid after August 10, Early bird paid before August 10


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